COCO GROUP – the fastest-growing local retail brand in Bali IS NOW PLASTIC-BAGS FREE! ( COCO GROUP – BEBAS PLASTIK! )

COCO GROUP – the fastest-growing local retail brand in Bali IS NOW PLASTIC-BAGS FREE!

The long-term environmental impact is just as important with the rapid rate we are contributing plastic waste to our landfills and oceans.

Coco Group, based in Jimbaran, operates more than 110 outlets including Coco Mart, Coco Express and Coco Supermarket, across Bali and Lombok.

As a replacement for the plastic-bag Coco Group offers Reuseable Shopping Bag available in the stores. They come in canvas, a simple but ingenious way to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic shopping bags.



Sampah plastik berakibat buruk pada lingkungan dalam waktu yang relatif sangat panjang baik di darat dan lautan.

Coco Group, yang mengoperasikan lebih dari 110 outlet termasuk Coco Mart, Coco Express dan Coco Supermarket, di Bali and Lombok secara resmi meniadakan penggunaan tas plastic.

Sebagai gantinya, Coco Group menawarkan Reuseable Shopping Bag yang bisa didapatkan di semua outlet-nya atau konsumen bisa membawa tas sendiri dari rumah saat berbelanja.

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